Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Poems from the Dirty U

Happy Wednesday!

I'm very very very hungry so I'm not going to spend much time with an introduction before I rush off to find some food, but I just want to say how excited I am that people are enjoying my poems! If you want to keep up to date on SO&OP, give me a follow! And always feel free to leave a comment or share with your friends - the more the merrier.

Here's a poem that I wrote last week while I was home for Thanksgiving - hence "Dirty U" which is what the kids call Underwood these days. The following is based on a true story.

Hometown 11/25/16

Back home, 2 a.m.
Driving through the cold November air
34 degrees blowing through
the open sunroof so I can see the stars
as they flicker to the mellow bass
singing from the stereo.

Parked, seat back,
trying to find the little dipper
but I know nothing of constellations.
I wonder why the passenger seat sits empty
and if other people see the stars in color
and why my memories feel borrowed.

My car returns to the highway,
my hand reached up into the air,
and I feel the music pound.
"That's poetic," I say to myself,
"I must remember to write that down."

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Flashback to my emo days...

Happy Tuesday!
 I'm sitting in a comfy chair in the library, drinking a caramel latte, and wearing festive Christmas socks. Before I head off to my Holocaust Literature class (ooh, ahh) I thought I might post another poem.
This is another old one I found the other day on a random piece of printer paper mixed into a large pile of secondhand sight-singing books. I have no idea when I wrote this poem, but I imagine it was sometime during my sophomore year of high school when I thought everything was romantically tragic. Silly me. Anyway, enjoy this untitled poem about some sort of inner turmoil I was feeling as a 15 year old.

Untitled. Date unknown.

Eclectic bodies and
Alien hearts and
Foreign concepts and
Unworldly thoughts

Whatever turns heads
Turns the world 'round
Gravity pulls us back to our beds
But we take you all over town

Hiding around the corner
A piece of the galaxy sleeps
Dressed in business formal
Disguised as the daughter who weeps

She lies waiting
Speaking in tongues only she understands

Monday, November 28, 2016

Welcome to SO&OP

Hello, and thank you for checking out Stars, Overreactions, and Other Poisons! If you're into free verse poetry, you've come to the right place. Here I'll post my favorite original poems, so please enjoy! Tell your friends! Poetry is cool, kids!

To get this off to a running start, here is the first poem I wrote in my first notebook dedicated solely to poetry. I was determined to fill that notebook with poems, writing one per day. Let's just say that didn't last long. But here I hope to stay diligent in writing poetry, and hopefully any readers I have will keep me accountable. So without further ado...

Untitled. 4/11/16

I want to write poetry
the kind that makes you feel
like a helium balloon
and a lead bullet
all at once
the kind that makes you see
a starless night sky
on the ceiling
of your lonely bedroom
at 2 am
when the world seems blank.
I want to write poetry
the kind that presses
on your ribs
with the force
of a thousand brand new lies
and a thousand antique truths.
Poetry made of
city streets
you've never walked,
country roads
you've never taken.
But my words
my words are few
and far between
and lost in jumbled letters.