Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Poems from the Dirty U

Happy Wednesday!

I'm very very very hungry so I'm not going to spend much time with an introduction before I rush off to find some food, but I just want to say how excited I am that people are enjoying my poems! If you want to keep up to date on SO&OP, give me a follow! And always feel free to leave a comment or share with your friends - the more the merrier.

Here's a poem that I wrote last week while I was home for Thanksgiving - hence "Dirty U" which is what the kids call Underwood these days. The following is based on a true story.

Hometown 11/25/16

Back home, 2 a.m.
Driving through the cold November air
34 degrees blowing through
the open sunroof so I can see the stars
as they flicker to the mellow bass
singing from the stereo.

Parked, seat back,
trying to find the little dipper
but I know nothing of constellations.
I wonder why the passenger seat sits empty
and if other people see the stars in color
and why my memories feel borrowed.

My car returns to the highway,
my hand reached up into the air,
and I feel the music pound.
"That's poetic," I say to myself,
"I must remember to write that down."

1 comment:

  1. I hope you do keep writing them down! (Also, I hope you were wearing a warm coat :-)
