Monday, November 28, 2016

Welcome to SO&OP

Hello, and thank you for checking out Stars, Overreactions, and Other Poisons! If you're into free verse poetry, you've come to the right place. Here I'll post my favorite original poems, so please enjoy! Tell your friends! Poetry is cool, kids!

To get this off to a running start, here is the first poem I wrote in my first notebook dedicated solely to poetry. I was determined to fill that notebook with poems, writing one per day. Let's just say that didn't last long. But here I hope to stay diligent in writing poetry, and hopefully any readers I have will keep me accountable. So without further ado...

Untitled. 4/11/16

I want to write poetry
the kind that makes you feel
like a helium balloon
and a lead bullet
all at once
the kind that makes you see
a starless night sky
on the ceiling
of your lonely bedroom
at 2 am
when the world seems blank.
I want to write poetry
the kind that presses
on your ribs
with the force
of a thousand brand new lies
and a thousand antique truths.
Poetry made of
city streets
you've never walked,
country roads
you've never taken.
But my words
my words are few
and far between
and lost in jumbled letters.


  1. Very cool! I like the almost-sonnet structure, with two main sections and the twist at the end. And the idea of seeing "a starless night sky" in a dark ceiling is really cool, going a step beyond the typical metaphor to look at the truth "slant" (to echo Emily Dickinson
